Rovio Entertainment announced that the upcoming Angry Birds movie will be co-directed by animation veterans Clay Kaytis (Walt Disney Animation) and Fergal Reilly (Sony Pictures Animation). This will be a directorial debut for Kaytis and Reilly.
"I'm very excited that Fergal and Clay have joined us, bringing with them their vast expertise. They are two of the brightest rising talents in animation, and I'm confident we are building the right team to tell the story of Angry Birds and deliver an amazing movie experience to our fans," Rovio Entertainment CEO Mikael Hed said.
The movie will be produced by John Cohen (Despicable Me) and Catherine Winder (Ice Age) and executive produced by David Maisel . The film is due in theaters on July 1, 2016, and will be distributed by Sony Pictures.
Rovio Entertainment announced that...
photo: Iron Man